Sharing Hope with the Young People of Haiti
Every single day, thousands of young people in Northeast Haiti experience the overwhelming and seemingly inescapable feeling of hopelessness. We shower these young people with God’s love, grace and mercy, so they can experience the hope of Jesus Christ and live out that hope through their family, community and work.
It begins with you.
There are nearly 2.3 million Haitians between 15 and 24 - more than 20 percent of the country's population - and yet this generation is not being effectively REACHED with the Gospel or truly SERVED with the love and compassion of Jesus Christ.
You can help.
"I didn't feel like the pastor thought he was above everyone."
The local church in Haiti is losing its connection with the younger generation because of its focus on tradition. There is a desire for a church that meets these young men and women where they are.
Young single moms are often discarded from the community in Haiti. We are opening our hearts and hands to these young women through the Young Single Mothers Program.
Support Community Life Centers of Haiti
Your prayers and financial support are greatly needed and appreciated. Please add us to your prayer list and consider making a one-time donation or ongoing financial gift.
Community Life Centers of Haiti © 2024 | 2926 State Road, PMB 212, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223 | (330) 368-2770 | Contact Us